Skin, a delicate and sensitive organ, is an important layer on the skeleton that shapes up and defines the personality of a person.
The broader functions of the Skin are
As per Ayurveda, Skin is Updhatu of Mansa and Adhishtana - Sparshanedriya. There are 7 layers of skin viz.
Common diseases related to the Skin are
Modern medicine works at cellular level on the skin as it provides minerals conducive for skin tissues. Modern medicine aids or Allopathy in stabilizing the body mechanism by fighting against disease causing agents like bacteria, microbes, etc.
Under Sanyukta Upchaar Paddhati®, Ayurveda is given utmost importance in treating ailment related to the Skin. Ayurvedic treatments are helpful in rejuvenating skin through natural herbal preparations which have no or less side effects.
Ayurvedic Medicines for the Skin
Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from herbal formulas in various forms like tablets, syrups and ointments. These medicines work effectively according to their targeted action/s in treating skin disorders. For instance, liver medicines act on the liver and the liver enzyme secretions to improve liver functions, metabolism and formation of blood pigments.
How does Ayurveda benefit
Ayurvedic medicines act on blood and purify blood cells by excreting unhealthy toxins from the blood. For a good skin texture, healthy blood circulation is important. Ayurveda helps in boosting the process of blood formation.
Ayurvedic medicines help in rejuvenating skin cells by acting deeply on situated small cells by improving cells functioning. The tone and layer of the skin rejuvenates and this results in shining and unblemished skin.
As described in Ayurveda, the Skin has 7 layers and the damage in different layers of Skin shows different symptoms of disorders. By Panchakarma treatment, deeply situated 7 layers of Skin can be cleaned.
By cleaning our body from Vaman and Virechan processes, Tridoshas are regulated - Kapha, Pitta and Vata, which are mainly responsible for all ailments.
To cure Skin disorders and have a healthy skin, detoxification process of the body is necessary through Panchakarma.
Through Vaman, impure and unhealthy toxins are extracted from the upper track i.e. mouth.
Through Virechan, detoxification of the body is carried out from the lower track i.e. anus.
Raktamokshan is another beneficial method to clean and rejuvenate our blood circulation and deeply situated skin cells. Through Raktamokshan, impure blood is taken out from the body, enhancing better melanin production and circulation, which benefits in better skin pigment.
Shirodhara, another effective Panchakarma treatment, decreases stress and regulates hormones.
Under Acupunture, very fine small pointed needles are used on points related to the system. Acupuncture works by stimulation of Raphe’s Nuclei that increases serotonin production, which induces glucocorticoids that modulate inflammation (other aspects of body’s immune response).
The needles cure loosened and sagged skin. This encourages muscle relaxation and tightening causing pulling of delicate facial skin all over the body.
How does Acupunture benefit?
Yogic asanas and sadhana control and energize the Shad Chakras. This stimulates and balances nerves plexus, body organs and cell nuclei.
Pranayam (Anuloam-Vilom) improve respiration and oxygen supply in the body, balance the hormones and relax the mind.
What we eat impacts our skin directly. Mixed unhealthy diet is the main cause of skin disorders. To treat skin disorders, one has to strictly follow Pathya-Apathya and Aahar-Vihaar. Diet, rich in Vitamin E and C, improves skin cells. A proper diet regime regulates skin tissues, texture and better skin pigment.
At Vedicure, the role of Reiki is as important as other therapies. The science of universal energy, Reiki, transfers positive energy to the patient’s body. This stimulates nuclei of each cell. With this positive energy, body improves its functioning and develops its own mechanism to increase resistance against ailments.
The core of Naturopathy is treating ailments by using natural elements in their natural form. The Panchabhautik tattvas viz. air, water and soil are used in Naturopathy and through these natural elements, skin disorders can be treated.
For instance, through the process of steaming, small pores of the skin can open up and deeply situated dirty particles can be cleaned. In certain Naturopathy treatments, mud, flowers, herbal pastes, etc. are used to treat skin ailments.