Several young women today, some in their thirties and some even younger, have started experiencing the early onset of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance and their associated disorders.
Some of these symptoms are depression, extreme fatigue and weariness, allergies, endometriosis [endometriosis symptoms], PCOD, Weight gain, Menstrual irregularities, Primary /Secondary Infertility, hair loss and probably facial hair growth, Pre Menstrual Symptoms, osteoporosis and so on.
Unfortunately, if the symptoms are ignored in their initial stages, they can aggravate over a period of time. The symptoms of hormonal imbalance may be caused by a multitude of reasons but the basic reason is that there is an imbalance between progesterone and estrogen levels in a woman’s body.
These are the two hormones that must co-exist in a perfect balance. Variations in this balance will trigger an adverse effect on the woman’s health thereby causing the onset of the aforementioned symptoms.
There are multiple causes for hormone imbalance, but the majority of cases are experienced due to estrogen dominance or increased amounts of estrogen in the body and not enough of progesterone.
The amount of hormones (Estrogen & Progesterone) produced in a woman’s body can vary from one month to the next, as the production of estrogen & progesterone is dependent on factors such as stress, nutrition and exercise (lifestyle). When there is no ovulation, the production of progesterone from the ovaries does not occur, as a result of which the healthy accepted levels of progesterone start declining and the estrogen levels start to increase. Apart from this, there are a few other causes of hormonal imbalance. Common causes include birth control pills, high stress levels, hormone replacement therapy and consumption of non organic animal products that have excessive amounts of estrogen.
Other causes include lack of exercise, pregnancy, lactation, autoantibody production, and a sedentary lifestyle. Of all of these causes, obesity is the number one medical cause for hormone imbalance while pregnancy is the number one lifestyle change that causes the condition.
Hormones are the connectors between body and mind, these carry the information to the body from mind and maintains the mutual working of the both the systems. The entire information moves to and fro through the hormonal bridge and make the body and mind to work in a tuning. Once, any of these two parts is disturbed, hormonal system will be effected and there will be problems with the body-mind duo complex, as a result.
Ayurveda addresses the disturbances in physical and psychological aspects to have a sound hormonal system with the body.